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Javeed Siddiqui joins the M&A team at IMAP UK

Javeed will be involved in leading M&A transactions in the healthcare, life sciences and consumer sectors, among others.

Javeed brings a wealth of experience in M&A and capital raising, particularly within the mid-market segment. Before joining IMAP, he was a senior investment banker at ICICI Securities (India and United States) IndusInd Bank (investment banking division) and Equirus Capital. He also led the corporate finance practice at a healthcare-focused consulting firm.

“I’m delighted to welcome Javeed to IMAP. Javeed is a highly experienced senior banker and will focus on M&A advisory services across multiple sectors, with a particular emphasis on the healthcare & consumer industries. He brings extensive experience in advising mid-market clients in multiple countries and is a perfect fit for our diverse and international team of over 450+ bankers across IMAP globally” commented Karri Vuori, Managing Partner of IMAP UK.

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